The Players Club committee is excited to announce that we are resuming our 2020 season on 17-May-2020 at Marangaroo.
Followed by 24-May at Rockingham for the Memorial Cup.
There has been some shuffling of the schedule and full updated fixtures are available now.
Just another reminder of the new Social Distancing protocols that we all need to adhere to.
You can wear the club shirts;
No aimlessly gathering around before or after the game. Play and go home;
Play the 18 and sign the card , take a pic and send it Craig and Dave by text or email;
No novelties will be out;
Craig will announce the winners Sunday evening or whenever the cards get to him;
Winnings can be transferred into their account;
Let Craig or Mike know of any interesting stories for the web update;
No winners photos (the webmaster may photo-shop some up)
Welcome back everyone.