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Craig Markham

2021 Season Opener - the Black Douglas

Updated: Feb 23, 2021

Collier Park - Lakes Pines - Stableford

This week was the first round back for 2021 and luckily enough the first day after a two week lock down and the masks were off. It was the really the first official week that a bottle of Black Douglas Whiskey was a prize in memory of Doug Stewart. It was a great turn out with 7 groups, probably one of the biggest groupings for a new captain to deal with. Scott did a good job at sorting out the groups, but wasn’t helped when he was told by the club house during the week that we were off the Pines first when it was actually the Lakes. Pete did really well as he convinced two public groups they were wrong and turned them away, but a third and 4th group arrives and there was strange emptiness to the Lakes 1st, so we thought we had better check and the rest is history.

Captain Scott stood in for President Dave to hit the opening salvo this year.

It was great to see Jamie Pickles and Jack Wagner back. Jack being a former Club Champion and great bloke, so hopefully we see more of him and his visitor mate Ryan who is looking to join. It was good to catch up with everyone, some had played many games since last year and others had not. There was affair bit of new equipment on show as well, none more than Hammo with a great new driver and putter.

After a shaky start and some rough score cards everything fell into place. Credit to Scott taking on the new role and Rob Mizen doing some running around during the week. Hammo slid straight into the handicapping role and hasn’t missed a trick.

I would ask that everyone takes greater care with their cards as around 30 % were incorrectly scored, some had the finger hovering over the DQ button. it is imperative that the stroke score is the accurate one by the marker and player. The technical onus is on the Captain and Handicapper to ensure the correct Stableford or Par score is applied. So please double check everything hole by hole on your way around the course and at the end before submitting the cards.


1st: Tony Calder (41)

2nd: Lawrie Gibson (38)

3rd: Rob Mizen (36)

NAGA: John Morris

Nearest to Pins:

Lake 3rd: John Morris

Lake 5th: Jamie Fitzpatrick

Lake 8th: Matt Gibson

Pines 3rd; Matt Gibson

Pines 7th: Ryan (visitor)

Nearest in 2: Matt Gibson

Nearest in 3: Jamie Pickles

Longest Drives:

A Grade: Matt Gibson

B Grade: Rob Mathias

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