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Craig Markham

Premature ematchulation

Memorial Cup Collier - Stableford

This week was the 3rd major of the year, the Memorial Cup.

As expected the majors are hard to win, in particular at Collier where the scores are always nice and high.

This time around it was Pete that stole the show, another great win without Norm around, what is going on there! He had a great first nine with 25 points and just a steady back with 16.

Dave Ovel continued his great touch with another sub 10 over round to finish on 39. His round again included some fantastic chips and long drives. His crisp hitting lately is as good as you will see.

Not one to muck about on the course was Ian whom put in a steady round all day without too much trouble, but yet again drops a position on the podium in a count back with a score that would win most weeks.

Well done guys and great scores to contribute to the Master Jacket.

Now, the side game this week was the long awaited Matchplay between me and Rob Mathias. This has been on the cards for many weeks, even before my first round had taken place with Mike Newman. “If you win that I’ll be waiting “was the talk from Rob. So over the last few weeks the conversation has been “Are we doing this today?’ to which I finally agreed “Right let’s do it today”.

I was little apprehensive as I was concentrating on the major rather than being Match play specific knowing I had to give away 15 shots, but as Dave said, just play the game and whatever will be will be.

So away we go and I skipped out to a 3 hole lead after 4 that didn’t change much.

Rob had a bit of bad luck including having his ball split on the 4th hole ( see the pic below ). Never one to miss a joke I stated, “They are all pink on the inside".

Around Hole 8 Rob started to hit his stride and parred 5 out of the next 6 which had the game back to scratch, as I sank a birdie or two to keep from being blown away. Come 3 holes to go, a close approach had me at 1 up, two to play. With the easy Par 5 Island, 8th next, I butchered the drive, the second, the third and the fourth shot to lose. Tied again, one hole left, I was still comfortable and Rob had enough nerves for both of us, however Rob decides this is time to hit 250 meters straight down the middle and put his second within a couple of meters of the flag to tap in par and win.

I had the “What just happened?" face, how on earth could I go double double to finish. Rob was over the moon as he played some of his best golf that last 9, you couldn’t wipe the smile off his face and the term ‘Giant Killer “was thrown around. Back at the club house it was obvious, while Rob told the to and fro stories I sat there quietly like I just lost a puppy. Absorbing the comments like, its OK, 15 shots is hard; one bad hole got you in the end; you’ve won it before; there is always next year. 10 minutes later, the conversation turned to who was next on the list for the ‘Giant Killer’. Dave goes to the phone and gets out the list to which he says, “Ummm how did you come to be playing this week?” I said “ Its been on our radar for weeks “ ... “Well accordingly to this, you two don ’t even play each other, Craig is to play the winner of Phil and new member Mark. Then the winner of THAT plays Rob.

Then it hits, I am back in the game baby, smiling like a cat that got the cream, Rob became deflated, all that for nothing. Neither one of us could work out why we thought we were playing, maybe a draft fixture?

(MP: the resident webmaster checked to confirm that portion of the draw hasn't changed in any draft)

or just a conversation that was never confirmed. So if anyone else wants a real game pressure mock match or play round that doesn’t count for anything in the end contact Rob or me…..And yes you can have dual dipstick winners so if someone can crash a cart , fall in a lake or break a car window it will be greatly appreciated. (MP: sounds like a lock to me!)

Thanks to Doug for arranging the prizes as he went right down to 6th place with wine and balls, (the burgers were also good) Great to see Phil back and hopefully he is back for a few more games “Hey Phil wanna play Match Play??? .. Not this week …OK. Hammo you want to play what about you Dave or Pete what about Norm, Matchplay anyone, girl behind the bar wanna play Matchplay.

Other news reporters

(Robin Dalby)

Lui was in the mood to continue his fine winning form from last week, though early in the round he mentioned to Pirate the Mechanic that his motor wasn’t running that smoothly. “Give it an upper cylinder lube” said Pirate after which Lui pounded some excellent shots and sank some curling putts to give a podium place a nudge.

Seems Pirate’s advice works for both human and mechanical machines. It became the catch cry among the group when drives and irons went awry and did help DaveT who played some great golf to almost gatecrash the podium (except for a bad last hole). But didn’t help Hammo, who bemoaned a round in which he “ . . . just couldn’t sink a putt”.


1st: Pete Tallon (41)

2nd: Dave Ovel (39)

3rd: Ian Havenstein (39)

NAGA: Trevor Bindon (21)

Nearest to Pins:

Lakes 3rd: Pete Tallon

Lakes 5th: Lui Dinardo

Lakes 8th: Rob Mathias

Island 2nd: Trevor Bindon

Island 4th: Craig Markham

Nearest in 2: Phil Hudson

Nearest in 3: Dave Ovel

Longest Drives:

A Grade: Lui Dinardo

B Grade: Pete Fitzpatrick

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