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Marc Geddes

Ryan potentially too ill to play, then laps the field

Updated: Mar 8, 2022

Collier - Island Lake - Stableford

“A field on 16 took to the course today in magnificent conditions for golf and as this was reflected in the results.”

“There was a spread of players taking out the novelty prizes”

There are some shouts out I feel are worthy of a mention. Namely TC for taking out second place despite looking like the “walking dead” on the first tee, but clearly alcohol is contusive to TC’s game. (Ed: conducive ??? but contusive is a great description of the effect of alcohol on my game. lol )

Heine for shanking his drive of the first and as I’m lead to believe failed on 2 occasions to get past the ladies tee.

Gibbo(M) for sticking in there today and being a pleasure to play alongside with despite not having the best of days. (But bloody hell that boy can hit a ball!! and almost holing his tee shot on 5 on lakes.

Special thanks to Trev for our ever present “teaching pro” for looking out for us all when things aren’t going quite right 😉

Micheal Cragg who played beautifully today and could have come in with even more points on another day.

Lastly and no means least congratulations to Ryan, all your playing partners were raving about your play and clearly this was reflected in your score. Looking forward to seeing you down in the single figure handicap range sooner rather than later mate.

Final thought to bring to our next round, we saw it today in our playing group. “BE POSITIVE” before your shots, don’t stand there thinking about the trees you hit it in last time, or the water you shoved into to. Have a positive mindset. Clearing that negativity is such an important part of the game we all love.

It worked for Mickey today!!

Link to full results here


1st: Ryan Nottle (42)

2nd: Tony Calder (40)

3rd: Michael Cragg (39)

NAGA: Paul Heine (28)


Island 2nd: Dean Hull

Island 4th: Ryan Nottle

Lake 3rd: Ryan Nottle

Lake 5th: Matt Gibson

Lake 8th: Matt Gibson

Long Drive A: No takers

Long Drive B: Tony Calder

Nearest in 2: David Ogg

Nearest in 3: Basil Musca

Longest Putt: Tony Calder

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