Ladies and Gentleman direct from Europe please be up standing for a great win (From nowhere) by the one and only "Johnny Morris". WOW what a consistent round with a 19 point front 9 and a closing 20 to wrap up the win with 39 points. Unlike Arsenal Johnny didn't choke at the end.
Mr President came in second with 37 including 11 Pars and a very neat 80 strokes. Great round chief. Peter the Plater closed out the dais with a creditable 35 points including 3 wipes. Bugger Peter bet you want those holes over again.
Also see below for a golf championship being held in September. These types of things will be posted on the website from now on.
1st - Johnny - 39
2nd - Marc - 37
3rd - Peter P - 35
NAGA - Craig (See photo below)
N2 No one
N3 Mitch
LDA - Geddo
LDB - Josh
LP Oggy
Our first Dipstick nomination for the year - Craig Ex President. This was a drive which didn't go well.
